Reynolds provides IS consultancy, project management and software development services to companies wanting to automate, integrate and control their production lines.

Our solutions cover ERP/MES integration, line control and monitoring, real-time production dashboards and metrics, product identification data management solutions, and more. Our experienced team works across all common technology platforms, to deliver bespoke or out-of-the-box solutions that work for your business.

IS & Production Automation Consultancy Services

Reynolds provides pre-project consultancy services for:

  • Production line automation.
  • ERP/MES integration solutions.
  • Product traceability systems.
  • Production line build and upgrades.
  • Quality control and inspection solutions.

Early engagement in your project can deliver significant cost savings and greatly smooth project execution for relatively little cost. Contact us to find out how we can help you with your plans.

ERP Integration Solutions

Reynolds has extensive experience delivering end-to-end integration of production-line coding, inspection and verification systems into MES and ERP systems.

The iDSNet platform from Matthews delivers a complete suite of ERP integration tools; everything from code management, verification and complete automated line set-up, through to full real-time ERP integration, production management tools and performance metrics.

Used by hundreds of leading companies, iDSNet is available as iDSNet Express, a solution targeted at smaller manufacturers, while also fully upgradeable to iDSNet Enterprise and iDSNet Manager, a complete customisable platform for large scale ERP integration and production management.

  • ERP integration: connect your business, manufacturing or warehouse systems to your production line coding equipment, delivering increased process and quality control.
  • Product database integration: the correct code is placed on the correct product at the correct time, saving you valuable resources in re-work.
  • Full product traceability: all levels of packaging coded with iDSnet are stored in a database to enable QC reporting and daily production reports.
  • Shop floor integration provides a proven reliable interface where it is needed the most — on the production floor — your operators easily select the correct message and receive feedback on equipment performance without the need for a PC on the shop floor.
  • Comprehensive production and fault reporting tools.

Label Design & Print Management

Reynolds distributes the full range of TEKLYNX label design, print management and ADIC software solutions in New Zealand.

TEKLYNX are the world leaders in label design, management and printing software, and Reynolds can supply, configure and integrate complete solutions covering:

  • Label design and formatting.
  • Secure print management systems.
  • ERP integration to your label printing systems.
  • Mobile data capture solutions.
  • Custom print applications for your specific requirements.

Supply Chain Traceability

Reynolds supplies customised track-and-trace solutions for in-house manufacturing process management, warehouse management and supply chain.

Integrated product identification, inspection and handling technologies allow Reynolds to deliver highly optimised traceability solutions that keep your costs low and throughput high. We work with a wide range of partners to ensure the best mix of technology for each application.

For global supply chain traceability Reynolds partners with global providers of product serialisation, track-and-trace, anti-counterfeiting and consumer e-marketing solutions. We can provide you with complete, end-to-end product traceability solutions that are fully GS1 compliant and best suited to your requirements.

We provide the complete suite of product serialisation tools and services, including:

  • Secure unique product serialisation.
  • Consumer product verification.
  • Global track and trace.
  • Consumer e-marketing solutions.
  • In-field supply chain support and anti-counterfeiting services.
  • Consumer support and helpdesk services.

Product Serialisation Solutions

Reynolds works with a number of leading vendors of product serialisation platforms and integrates them into our product identification and verification solutions.

We can provide full ERP/MES integration capability, secure data management, optimised coding solutions, and a wide range of value-added services.

The possibilities with full product serialisation are broad, from anti-counterfeiting through to consumer e-marketing.

Talk to us about your requirements and goals, and we will develop a solution that is the best fit for you.