Reynolds supplies customised track-and-trace solutions for in-house manufacturing process management, warehouse management and supply chain.
Integrated product identification, inspection and handling technologies allow Reynolds to deliver highly optimised traceability solutions that keep your costs low and throughput high. We work with a wide range of partners to ensure the best mix of technology for each application.
For global supply chain traceability Reynolds partners with global providers of product serialisation, track-and-trace, anti-counterfeiting and consumer e-marketing solutions. We can provide you with complete, end-to-end product traceability solutions that are fully GS1 compliant and best suited to your requirements.
We provide the complete suite of product serialisation tools and services, including:
- Secure unique product serialisation.
- Consumer product verification.
- Global track and trace.
- Consumer e-marketing solutions.
- In-field supply chain support and anti-counterfeiting services.
- Consumer support and helpdesk services.